Adventure Creator Wikia

Note: This script is no longer necessary from AC 1.78 onwards, as pages can now be assigned textures from within the Editor.

Journals and Documents provide a way of displaying multiple pages of text to the player. This script allows you to associate each page with a texture, and display that texture in a Graphic menu element.

To use it:

  1. Create a new journal or document as normal using the Menu system. The pages must have text - if you don't want to show them, they can be hidden from view.
  2. Create a new Graphic element in the Menu for page textures to be displayed in.
  3. Add the page text to the Speech Manager by clicking "Gather text".
  4. Add the script below (JournalPageTexture.cs) as a component in your scene. This should be on a prefab present in all scenes (such as the Player) for it to be recognised game-wide.
  5. Fill in the Inspector fields, referencing the Menu and Element names involved. Use the "Page Textures" array to define a texture for each page. To connect a texture asset to a page, refer to that page's ID number as listed in the Speech Manager.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using AC;

public class JournalPageTexture : MonoBehaviour

	[SerializeField] private PageTexture[] pageTextures;
	[SerializeField] private string journalMenuName = "Journal";
	[SerializeField] private string journalElementName = "PageText";
	[SerializeField] private string graphicElementName = "Texture";
	[SerializeField] private Texture2D emptyTexture;

	private void OnEnable ()
		EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn += OnMenuTurnOn;
		EventManager.OnMenuElementShift += OnMenuElementShift;

	private void OnDisable ()
		EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn -= OnMenuTurnOn;
		EventManager.OnMenuElementShift -= OnMenuElementShift;

	private void OnMenuTurnOn (Menu menu, bool isInstant)
		if (menu.title == journalMenuName)
			UpdatePageTexture ();

	private void OnMenuElementShift (MenuElement _element, AC_ShiftInventory shiftType)
		if (PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName (journalMenuName).elements.Contains (_element))
			UpdatePageTexture ();

	private void UpdatePageTexture ()
		MenuJournal journal = PlayerMenus.GetElementWithName (journalMenuName, journalElementName) as MenuJournal;
		int pageIndex = journal.showPage - 1;

		MenuGraphic graphic = PlayerMenus.GetElementWithName (journalMenuName, graphicElementName) as MenuGraphic;
		Texture2D texture = emptyTexture;
		if (pageIndex < journal.pages.Count)
			int pageID = journal.pages [pageIndex].lineID;
			texture = GetTextureWithID (pageID);

		if (texture)
			graphic.graphic.texture = texture;
			graphic.graphic.ClearCache ();

	private Texture2D GetTextureWithID (int ID)
		foreach (PageTexture pageTexture in pageTextures)
			if (pageTexture.ID == ID)
				return pageTexture.texture;
		return null;

	private struct PageTexture

		public int ID;
		public Texture2D texture;

