The built-in method of highlighting Hotspots when selecting them is to brighten their materials. This script provides a way to instead display an outline effect around them - through use of the Easy Performant Outline asset. This asset provides outline effects in 2D, 3D and the render pipeliens.
To use it:
- Import Easy Performant Outline into your AC project
- Attach the Outliner component to your AC MainCamera
- Create a new C# script file named EasyOutline.cs, and paste in the code below
- To any Hotspot you want to affect, attach the Easy Outline component to it. The Hotspot's Highlight field, if set, can be removed.
- An Outlinable component will be added automatically. Configure its Inspector so that it affects the correct meshes.
- The script will, by default, only show the front outline in a white colour. The script can be editied to change the style of outline if desired.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using EPOOutline;
using AC;
[RequireComponent (typeof (Outlinable))]
public class EasyOutline : MonoBehaviour
#region Variables
private Hotspot hotspot = null;
private Outlinable outlinable = null;
private const float speed = 5f;
#region UnityStandards
private void Awake ()
hotspot = GetComponent<Hotspot>();
outlinable = GetComponent<Outlinable>();
outlinable.RenderStyle = RenderStyle.FrontBack;
outlinable.enabled = false;
outlinable.BackParameters.Enabled = false;
outlinable.FrontParameters.Color = Color.white;
outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift = 0f;
private void OnEnable ()
EventManager.OnHotspotSelect += OnHotspotSelect;
EventManager.OnHotspotDeselect += OnHotspotDeselect;
private void OnDisable ()
EventManager.OnHotspotSelect -= OnHotspotSelect;
EventManager.OnHotspotDeselect -= OnHotspotDeselect;
#region PrivateFunctions
private void OnHotspotSelect (Hotspot hotspot)
if (this.hotspot == hotspot)
StopAllCoroutines ();
StartCoroutine (TransitionOn ());
private void OnHotspotDeselect (Hotspot hotspot)
if (this.hotspot == hotspot)
StopAllCoroutines ();
StartCoroutine (TransitionOff ());
private IEnumerator TransitionOn ()
outlinable.enabled = true;
while (outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift < 1f)
float newShift = outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift + (speed * Time.deltaTime);
newShift = Mathf.Clamp01 (newShift);
outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift = newShift;
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
private IEnumerator TransitionOff ()
while (outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift > 0f)
float newShift = outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift - (speed * Time.deltaTime);
newShift = Mathf.Clamp01 (newShift);
outlinable.FrontParameters.DilateShift = newShift;
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
outlinable.enabled = false;