Adventure Creator Wikia

Inventory items and Documents, while both defined in the Inventory Manager, are treated as separate entities.

This script allows you to link the two together - so that adding a given Item to the Player's Inventory also gives you a specific Document, and interacting with that Item optionally opens the Document.

To use it:

  1. Create a Document, and an Inventory item to associate with it, in the Inventory Manager.
  2. In the Inventory Manager's Properties tab, define an Integer property named "Document ID"
  3. In the Inventory item's properties panel set the value of its "Document ID" property to match the ID number of the Document to associate it with (set to -1 to have no association)
  4. Create a new C# file named ItemDocument, and attach it to an object in the scene.
  5. Enter the ID of the "Document ID" proerty created in step 2 into the Item Document component's Inspector.
  6. (Optional) To have the Document automatically open when interacting with the Item, check Open On Interact, and assign an empty ActionList asset in the Item's "Standard Use" Interaction field.


using AC;
using UnityEngine;

public class ItemDocument : MonoBehaviour

	public int documentIDProperty = 0;
	public bool openOnInteract;

	private void OnEnable ()
		EventManager.OnInventoryAdd += OnInventoryUpdate;
		EventManager.OnInventoryRemove += OnInventoryUpdate;
		EventManager.OnInventoryInteract += OnInventoryInteract;

	private void OnDisable ()
		EventManager.OnInventoryAdd -= OnInventoryUpdate;
		EventManager.OnInventoryRemove -= OnInventoryUpdate;
		EventManager.OnInventoryInteract -= OnInventoryInteract;

	private void OnInventoryUpdate (InvItem invItem, int amount)
		int documentID = invItem.GetProperty (documentIDProperty).IntegerValue;
		if (documentID >= 0)
			bool isCarryingItem = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.GetCount ( > 0;
			bool isCarryingDocument = KickStarter.runtimeDocuments.DocumentIsInCollection (documentID);
			if (isCarryingItem != isCarryingDocument)
				Document document = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetDocument (documentID);
				if (isCarryingItem) KickStarter.runtimeDocuments.AddToCollection (document);
				else KickStarter.runtimeDocuments.RemoveFromCollection (document);

	private void OnInventoryInteract (InvItem invItem, int iconID)
		if (openOnInteract)
			int documentID = invItem.GetProperty (documentIDProperty).IntegerValue;
			if (documentID >= 0)
				KickStarter.runtimeDocuments.OpenDocument (documentID);
