Adventure Creator Wikia

The behaviour of inventory menus can be altered by hooking into the OnMenuElementClick event, which is run whenever the user clicks inside a menu.

This script demonstrates how to build custom inventory behaviour through script. It shows how the standard behaviour of left-clicking to select/combine, right-click to examine, can be moved to a custom script.

To use it:

  1. Set your InventoryBox element's "Inventory box type" property to "Custom Script"
  2. Paste the code below into a C# file named OverrideInventory.cs
  3. Attach the new Override Inventory component to a GameObject in the scene


using UnityEngine;
using AC;

public class OverrideInventory : MonoBehaviour

	private void OnEnable ()
		EventManager.OnMenuElementClick += ElementClick;

	private void OnDisable ()
		EventManager.OnMenuElementClick -= ElementClick;

	private void ElementClick (Menu menu, MenuElement element, int slot, int buttonPressed)
		MenuInventoryBox menuInventoryBox = (MenuInventoryBox) element;
		if (menuInventoryBox != null && menuInventoryBox.inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.CustomScript)
			// Clicked inside a custom InventoryBox element

			InvInstance clickedInstance = menuInventoryBox.GetInstance (slot);
			if (InvInstance.IsValid (clickedInstance))
				// Clicked on a valid item slot

				if (buttonPressed == 1)
					// Left click
					InvInstance currentSelectedInstance = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.SelectedInstance;
					if (InvInstance.IsValid (currentSelectedInstance))
						// Combine item with selected
						clickedInstance.Combine (currentSelectedInstance);
						// Select item
						clickedInstance.Select ();
				else if (buttonPressed == 2)
					// Right click examine
					clickedInstance.Examine ();
