Adventure Creator Wikia

UPDATE: This script is now deprecated, since AC now supports the Addressables system natively.

Unity's addressable system provides a performant way of retrieving asset files at runtime, and this variant of the "Dialogue: Play speech" Action allows you to use them for speech audio.

To use it:

  1. In the Speech Manager, set the Reference speech files field to By Naming Convention.
  2. Create a folder and place in it a new C# script named ActionSpeechAddressable.cs.
  3. In the Speech Manager, define this folder as a custom Actions directory to install this as a new "Dialogue: Play speech (addressables)" Action, which you should use instead of the default.
  4. When lines are gathered, they will each have an expected filename.  Add each associated audio file to your addressables package, and give it the same name.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace AC
public class ActionSpeechAddressable : ActionSpeech

protected AudioClip addressableAudioClip;
protected bool isAwaitingAddressible = false;

public ActionSpeechAddressable ()
this.isDisplayed = true;
category = ActionCategory.Dialogue;
title = "Play speech (addressables)";
lineID = -1;

public override void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters)
addressableAudioClip = null;
isAwaitingAddressible = false;

base.AssignValues (parameters);

private void OnCompleteLoad (AsyncOperationHandle<AudioClip> obj)
isAwaitingAddressible = false;
StartSpeech (obj.Result);

public override float Run ()
if (!isRunning)
SpeechLine speechLine = KickStarter.speechManager.GetLine (lineID);
string filename = speechLine.GetFilename ();
Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip> (filename).Completed += OnCompleteLoad;
isAwaitingAddressible = true;
isRunning = true;
return defaultPauseTime;

if (isAwaitingAddressible)
return defaultPauseTime;

if (isBackground)
isRunning = false;
return 0f;

return base.Run ();

