This script allows you to scroll through a list of inventory items - and select them - by clicking on dedicated "Up", "Down" and "Select" buttons, rather than clicking on the item list itself.
To use it:
- Create a new Unity UI Canvas with a list of Buttons for each item slot, as well as separated Up, Down and Select buttons
- Parent the item slots button to a new GameObject, and attach a Canvas Group component to the parent
- In the Canvas Group, uncheck "Blocks Raycasts"
- Copy/paste the code below into a new C# script named IndirectlySelectItem.cs, and attach it to the root Canvas
- For each of the Up, Down and Select buttons, create a new OnClick event. Map this to the IndirectlySelectItem component's OnClick_Up, OnClick_Down and OnClick_Select functions respectively.
- Make the UI Canvas a prefab
- Create a new Menu in AC's Menu Manager, set its "Source" to "Unity UI Prefab", and assign the UI Canvas prefab as its "Linked Canvas prefab"
- Create a new InventoryBox element, set its "Maxiumum number of slots" to match the number of item slots in the UI, and link each item slot to its corresponding UI button
using UnityEngine;
using AC;
public class IndirectlySelectItems : MonoBehaviour
#region Variables
private int selectedIndex = -1;
private MenuInventoryBox inventoryBox;
[SerializeField] private Color normalColor = Color.white;
[SerializeField] private Color highlightColor =;
#region UnityStandards
private void OnEnable ()
if (KickStarter.playerMenus != null)
Menu thisMenu = KickStarter.playerMenus.GetMenuWithCanvas (GetComponent <Canvas>());
inventoryBox = thisMenu.GetElementWithName ("InventoryBox") as MenuInventoryBox;
SetSelectedIndex (0);
private void OnGUI ()
GUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button");
GUILayout.Label (selectedIndex.ToString ());
GUILayout.EndVertical ();
#region PublicFunctions
public void OnClick_Select ()
InvItem selectedItem = inventoryBox.GetItem (selectedIndex);
if (selectedItem != null)
selectedItem.RunUseInteraction ();
public void OnClick_Up ()
int newSelectedIndex = selectedIndex - 1;
if (newSelectedIndex < 0)
newSelectedIndex = 0;
inventoryBox.Shift (AC_ShiftInventory.ShiftPrevious, 1);
SetSelectedIndex (newSelectedIndex);
public void OnClick_Down ()
int newSelectedIndex = selectedIndex + 1;;
if (newSelectedIndex >= inventoryBox.GetNumSlots ())
newSelectedIndex = inventoryBox.GetNumSlots () - 1;
inventoryBox.Shift (AC_ShiftInventory.ShiftNext, 1);
SetSelectedIndex (newSelectedIndex);
#region PrivateFunctions
private void SetSelectedIndex (int value)
if (selectedIndex != value)
if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < inventoryBox.GetNumSlots ())
inventoryBox.uiSlots[selectedIndex].SetColour (normalColor);
if (value >= 0 && value < inventoryBox.GetNumSlots ())
inventoryBox.uiSlots[value].SetColour (highlightColor);;
selectedIndex = value;