Adventure Creator Wikia

This script allows Timeline speech to be skipped, causing the Timeline to jump to the end of the current Speech track clip.

To use it:

  1. Create a new C# file named SkipTimelineSpeech and paste in the code below
  2. Attach the new Skip Timeline Speech component a Playable Director that contains an AC Speech track.
  3. Assign the Playable Director in the component's Inspector
  4. Optionally check "Pause When Begin Speech" to have the Timeline pause when speech tracks begin


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using AC;

public class SkipTimelineSpeech : MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] private PlayableDirector playableDirector = null;
	[SerializeField] private bool pauseWhenBeginSpeech;
	private double forceTime;

	private void Update ()
		if (pauseWhenBeginSpeech && IsInSpeech ())
			playableDirector.time = forceTime;
		if (SkipSpeechInput ())
			DoSkip ();
			if (pauseWhenBeginSpeech)
				playableDirector.Resume ();

	protected bool SkipSpeechInput ()
		if (KickStarter.speechManager.canSkipWithMouseClicks && (KickStarter.playerInput.GetMouseState () == MouseState.SingleClick ||
																 KickStarter.playerInput.GetMouseState () == MouseState.RightClick))
			return true;

		if (KickStarter.playerInput.InputGetButtonDown ("SkipSpeech"))
			return true;

		return false;

	private void DoSkip ()
		if (playableDirector.state != PlayState.Playing) return;

		TimelineAsset timeline = (TimelineAsset) playableDirector.playableAsset;
		for (int i = 0; i < timeline.outputTrackCount; i++)
			TrackAsset track = timeline.GetOutputTrack (i);
			SpeechTrack speechTrack = track as SpeechTrack;
			if (speechTrack)
				foreach (TimelineClip clip in speechTrack.GetClips ())
					if (clip != null && clip.asset is SpeechPlayableClip)
						SpeechPlayableClip speechPlayableClip = clip.asset as SpeechPlayableClip;
						if (speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour != null && speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour.Speech != null && speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour.Speech.isAlive)
							double skipToTime = clip.start + clip.duration;
							KickStarter.dialog.KillDialog (speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour.Speech);
							if (playableDirector.time < skipToTime)
								playableDirector.time = skipToTime;

	private bool IsInSpeech ()
		if (playableDirector.state != PlayState.Playing) return false;

		TimelineAsset timeline = (TimelineAsset) playableDirector.playableAsset;
		for (int i = 0; i < timeline.outputTrackCount; i++)
			TrackAsset track = timeline.GetOutputTrack (i);
			SpeechTrack speechTrack = track as SpeechTrack;
			if (speechTrack)
				foreach (TimelineClip clip in speechTrack.GetClips ())
					if (clip != null && clip.asset is SpeechPlayableClip)
						SpeechPlayableClip speechPlayableClip = clip.asset as SpeechPlayableClip;
						if (speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour != null && speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour.Speech != null && speechPlayableClip.LastSetBehaviour.Speech.isAlive)
							forceTime = playableDirector.time;
							return true;

		return false;
